A Rainy Wedding Day at Spring Cottage, Rivington
Karis and Luke got married on a lovely English summers day at Spring Cottage in Rivington and by a lovely English Summers day I mean it was absolutely pelting down all day. This didn’t damped (excuse the pun) Karis and Luke’s spirits and I really admired their gusto in sticking to their plan to have their ceremony outdoors. The weather had different ideas though and as it the rain got heavier and heavier at the last minute the plan for the day changed and the guests retreated back to the bar while the lovely staff at Spring Cottage rearranged the marquee and chairs for an indoor ceremony.

Impromtu Indoor Ceremony at Spring Cottage
Karis was walked into the impromptu ceremony room by her father and had help from a bridesmaid and wedding guest holding brollies and her dress so Karis didn’t get soggy. Inside the marquee Karis and Luke had a beautiful, heartfelt ceremony performed by and old family friend. On the way out Karis was greeted by wedding guests with brollies and confetti.

Couples Portraits
When it came to portrait time we knew with Karis and Luke’s love of nature we had to do the portraits outside, so we braved the elements with brollies and bridesmaids on hand to keep Karis and Luke relatively dry. We then used natures shelter of the trees in the gorgeous forest surrounding Spring cottage to do the rest and threw a couple of smoke bombs in for good measure!

The Party
As the evening drew in, everyone was up for a good party! Karis and Luke had their first dance together as husband and wife and the dance floor was jam packed while the couples awesome wedding band King Rose took to the stage and got everyone throwing some shapes!
As the evening drew in, the rain eased off and the fire pits surrounding Spring Cottage were lit giving the guests the chance to toast marsh mellows and cosy up by the fire. It was quite an adventure of a day!