Going back to see my couples after their wedding day is always a special treat and going to meet a new addition to the family beats nothing else! It is awesome to see the lovely tiny human who has been created in the time that has past, see the changes in the house, the toys of the floor, the photographs, the old spare room that has now been made into a bedroom for their first baby together.
Knowing that children grow so fast I love capturing kids at this age, Josef’s tiny feet, hands and gorgeous soft downy hair will slowly grow into something bigger and stronger. There soon will be a point when he doesn’t need help to feed himself, clothe himself anymore, hell he’ll even be able to go to the toilet on his own! These days at the beginning of Josef’s childhood are precious and disappear so quickly.
Although parenting though this phase of a child’s life can be challenging and tiring (although Josef was a complete star when I was there!) there’s most definitely a magic to this time in a young families life and it’s a real honor to be able to capture it.
If you are interested in having a documentary family shoot like Josef’s get in touch!

I'm currently shooting families on Sundays through peak wedding season so if you would like to book your Sunday Family Shoot. Get in touch!