I started off last Wednesday meeting up with accountant Paul Cowham to create some new photos for his website. We had a few cups of tea and I managed to get some great accounting advice ;) had nice wander through Chorlton Park while grabbing some snaps. Paul specialises in accounting for small business and charitable organisations, he also provides advice and training for those who are responsible for managing their own or their businesses accounts, he’s brilliant at explaining things in a simple way and not only that he’s a lovely bloke too. If you think you might need his services check him out http://pcowhamaccounts.com/
At the weekend we had a nice quiet one and went for a walk in Chorlton Meadows. Mike doesn’t like having his photo very much so it was kind of him let me have this one of the side of his head. Don’t worry he’s not sad, just playing on his bloody phone! Meanwhile I was playing with my 35m 1.4 lens and I’m falling in love with it more and every day.